
Meet Majda, an 18-year old basketball player who had an ACL tear. Her restricted knee movement and the pain made her feel defeated both mentally and physically! After her injury, she felt unable to go through her rehabilitation and recovery alone.

Three months ago, her physical therapist Nirtal Shah, introduced her to Curovate, a mobile physical therapy app designed to guide patients in their rehabilitation journey after an ACL tear, a knee replacement, or a hip replacement surgery with simple workouts and physical therapy exercises.

Watch the video below, where Majda talks about how Curovate helped her recover from her ACL injury.

Since using the Curovate app for her ACL rehab she has recovered from the pain and is now running every other day. Curovate helped Majda create a structured rehabilitation plan and the sessions with a PT kept her motivated throughout her recovery. Curovate's simple workouts and physical therapy exercises helped her regain her athletic lifestyle again.

Find out how Curovate can help with your ACL tear and recovery. Download our Curovate physical therapy app from the links below. Curovate is an app for at-home physical therapy exercises following a knee replacement, ACL surgery, ACL injury or hip replacement. Curovate also provides daily video guided strengthening exercises, the ability to measure knee range of motion, in-app chat with a physical therapist to answer your surgery and recovery questions, and educational blogs and webinars.

If you need further customized assistance during your ACL recovery check out our Virtual Physical Therapy page to book your 1-on-1 video session with a physical therapist.

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