Video: How do I know I tore my ACL? The 5 most common signs and symptoms of an ACL injury Discover the top 5 signs of an ACL tear. From sudden pain to instability, watch this video to learn how to identify symptoms and seek timely care for optimal recovery.
knee pain Video: Is it normal to still have knee pain after a Knee Replacement? In this video blog, find out what's normal in terms of pain recovery after a knee replacement surgery, as answered by physiotherapy student Dayoung Monica Kim.
exercise Video: Is it safe for me to exercise if I have knee osteoarthritis or hip osteoarthritis? This video blog debunks the myths associated with exercise and osteoarthritis and outlines the best activities to do when diagnosed with OA.
knee replacement Video: I have knee osteoarthritis but I have no pain. Should I still get a knee replacement? This video blog discusses if it is possible to have knee osteoarthritis without pain, if the presence of osteoarthritis alone is enough to warrant a knee replacement, and how to manage knee osteoarthritis without surgery.
Access to healthcare Video: Why do rural communities and remote communities have poor access to physical therapy? In this video blog, physical therapist Andrew explains why rural access to physical therapy is a problem and if telehealth is the solution.
osteoarthritis Video: What's the difference between Arthritis and Osteoarthritis? What to know before a Knee Replacement In this short video, Nirtal Shah, Physical Therapist and CEO of Curovate will explain the difference between knee arthritis and knee osteoarthritis.
Access to healthcare Video: How much public funding for physical therapy do I receive in Canada after a hip or knee replacement? This video blog explores physiotherapy funding after knee replacement or hip replacement surgery in Canada, and the implications of inadequate funding.
exercise Video: Am I risk of falling and what can I do to reduce that risk? This video blog will present Canadian fall statistics as well as 7 exercises you can perform to improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling.
ACL Video: After ACL surgery, how much help will I need? And help with what? This video blog addresses how to prepare your home for after your ACL surgery, things you will need help with, and how long you will need help for.
Total knee replacement Video: What are normal symptoms after knee replacement surgery? This video blog, a physical therapy addresses the normal signs and symptoms following your knee replacement surgery, that should not be a cause of concern.
ACL Video: How Curovate's daily guidance and exercises helps Nick for his ACL recovery In this video, former University of Toronto basketball team captain Nick Snow talks about his recovery from ACL surgery using the Curovate app.
knee joint replacement Video: Pain levels in double versus single knee replacement Deciding between a double knee replacement or single knee replacement? Watch this vide blog before deciding on which procedure is right for you!
knee replacement Video: Am I too young to get a knee replacement? This video blog answers “Am I too young to get a knee replacement” and examines the pros and cons associated with getting a knee replacement earlier in life.
Total knee replacement Video: Why should I ice after injury or surgery? Physiotherapist's recommendation explained. In this video blog, a registered kinesiology explains the importance of using ice after injury or surgery.
Total knee replacement Video: Do you need to lose weight before hip replacement or knee replacement surgery? In this video blog, a physio student discusses how body weight relates to osteoarthritis and influences joint replacement, and pre-surgery weight loss.
telehealth How to cancel your subscription and delete your account and data | Curovate Physical Therapy App This video blog explains how you can cancel your Curovate physical therapy app subscription and how to delete your account and data.
ACL Injury Video: How Curovate helped Majda recover from her ACL injury In this video blog, Majda, an 18-year-old basketball player with an ACL tear, talks about how Curovate helped her recover from her ACL injury.
health app How to switch before surgery to after surgery using the Curovate Physical Therapy App This video blog explains how you can switch between before surgery recovery and after surgery recovery within the Curovate Physical Therapy App.
exercise How to use Curovate, the physical therapy app, every day to recover after injury, surgery or for strengthening This video blog answers the most frequent questions associated with navigating the Curovate Physical Therapy App for effective injury or surgery recovery.
ACL Video: How can I keep up with all of my exercises after ACL injury or surgery? Advice and tips for exercise In this video blog, a registered kinesiology provides you with tips and advice on how to manage exercises after ACL injury or surgery.
rehabilitation How to Sign Up in the New Curovate Physical Therapy App for Knee Surgery This video blog shows you how to sign up for the new Curovate physical therapy app. Follow the step by step instructions to sign up for the Curovate app.
Indigenous access to healthcare Video: Why do Indigenous communities have the worst access to healthcare in Canada? In this video blog, we discuss the barriers that Indigenous communities face when trying to access and navigate the Canadian healthcare system.
core stability Core Exercises: What are core exercises and why should I be doing them for back pain? Part 2 of 2 Training deep core muscles is important for low back pain. This blog explains what exercises you should be doing to complete core training effectively.
strength Core Exercises: Why should I be doing them? Part 1 of 2 Lower back pain is the top cause of disability globally. This blog highlights how strengthening deep core muscles can help combat lower back pain effectively.
rehabilitation How to Measure Knee Range of Motion in the Curovate App In this blog, learn how to measure knee range of motion at home in less than one minute with the newly updated Curovate app!